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21 August 2011 Move completed
The move of the CGW Museum is now complete. As you have likely noticed, our new address is All scanned issues are now online, and changes have been made to links/descriptions where appropriate. If you notice anything that doesn't work, please send an e-mail to let us know!

As we are now have our own hosting, there are no further download restrictions on issues. However, we also have to pay for our own hosting, so please consider a donation to help us run the site.

17 August 2011 Moving!
The CGW Museum is moving! Many thanks to who have hosted us for over seven years. The new address is: Please bear with us we transfer the site. Note that the issues are currently off-line.
13 August 2011 Entering the 2000s
Just added 8 more issues: we're now in the year 2000, with available issues spanning January to August. The magazines are much thinner, mainly between 150 and 200 pages, as opposed to the 400 to 500 page monsters of the mid to late 1990s. Much easier for scanning! I'm out of magazines again but I'm expecting a shipment in the coming weeks.

Still missing the following issues - if you can provide them, send me a note:
  • 1999 - 178, 180, 181
  • 2000 - 186 (Planescape: Torment poster only), 194-197
  • 2003 - 228, 229, 231, 233
  • 2005 - 248, 250, 254
  • 2006 - 260, 265-268
30 Jul 2011 1999!
With the addition of nine new magazines, the 1990s are now complete! You can now download full CGW issues up to December 1999, with the exception of issues 178 (May), 180 (July), and 181 (August) which I'm still looking for, and three issues from 1993: 109, 111, and 113, which I do have but haven't been scanned yet.
10 July 2011 1998 complete
Just added issue 173, which completes the year 1998. I'm now out of issues to scan, at least temporarily, with the exception of 109, 111, and 113 - those will come later as they have a different page format as the current batch. I'm expecting more issues soon. That said, I don't have a source for the following issue numbers - if you can help, please let me know:
  • 1999 - 176, 178, 180, 181, 185
  • 2000 - 186-187, 189-197
  • 2003 - 228, 229, 231, 233
  • 2005 - 248, 250, 254
  • 2006 - 260, 265-268
12 June 2011 A few more issues
Just added another 1000 pages of content or so: issues 169-172, from August to November 1998. At this point, I only have a few more issues to scan - I should be getting another box of magazines shortly, but there are a number of issues missing from 1999 and 2000. I'll post a list as soon as I get to it, and hopefully someone will have copies to send.
4 May 2011 A few more issues
Four more issues have been added: 165, 166, 167, 168 - bringing the available issues up to July 1998. Given my schedule over the next month, it's unlikely that more issues will be posted until mid-June.
16 April 2011 Largest-ever issue of CGW now online
Just finished up with a few more issues, including issue 161 (December 1997), which, at 506 pages, is the largest issue of CGW's 25 year run. You can now download issues up to March 1998.
3 April 2011 Up to September 1997
I've just put another 8 issues online, or approximately 2000 more pages of content. You can now download CGW issues up to September 1997.
12 March 2011 Two more issues
Just added another 800 pages or so of CGW goodness - that would be an entire 2 issues, which brings issues up to 150 available for download.

Also received issues 109 and 111 in the mail - thank you for the contribution. That leaves issue 113 as the only missing issue so far. If anyone has it and would like to donate it for scans, please contact me.
13 February 2011 15 years of CGW
You can now find online 15 years of CGW: from issue 1.1 (November 1981) to issue 148 (November 1996). Of the new scans, issue 148 is particularly interesting (and often-requested), as it includes CGW's "Top 150 games of all-time" list, which is probably one of the better such lists ever published.
5 February 2011 Double the content!
The scanning of CGW issues is progressing well! Prior to starting the new scans, the Museum featured 7438 pages of scanned CGW content. We now have twice that, nearly 15 000 pages! Issues up to 137 (December 1995) are now online and available for download, with a few exceptions as noted before. The magazine during those years was at its thickest, commonly over 300 pages and nearly 450 pages during the holiday periods.
29 January 2011 More issues now available
The scanning has been progressing well and issues 102-108, 110, 112, and 114 (January 1994) are now available for download. What happened to issues 109, 111, and 113? I don't have copies - so if you have them and wish to donate them to the scanning cause, let me know soonest. There are also a few other issues which are missing between 114 and 268, I'll post a complete list soon.
22 January 2011 Issue 101 now available!
Well, I've received the new scanner and installed it: it works flawlessly! What a relief it is to be able to scan 200+ pages in approximately 10 minutes. In comparison, the scans of issues 1-100 took about one minute per page, all done by hand.

Of course, there is still some manual preparation work required, as the pages of each issue have to be detached from the glued binding, and then cut. Following this, they are scanned and then I run a batch image edit to lessen the bleed-through and to ensure each page is the same size. Then the individual page files are included in a .PDF, which following a few optimizations, is then ready. Note that these issues are not text-searchable, unlike issues 1-100.

Speaking of which, issue 101 is now available for download in the Galleries. Enjoy! I'm hoping to convert a few issues at a time, likely once or twice per month. We'll see how it goes!
15 January 2011 Fundraising complete!
Welcome to 2011! As you likely have noticed, not a lot happened at the Museum during 2010. However, I'm happy to report that just about one year after the fundraising campaign started, we met (and even slightly exceeded) the goal of raising enough money for an appropriate scanner and for the shipment of copies of issues 101+ that can be used for scanning.

The scanner is on order and should arrive shortly, and I already have about 30 magazines to scan! So you should see, within a month, the first of the new batch of magazine scans, which will start with issue 101. Great news for the new year!

Questions, comments or suggestions? Please send an e-mail to the Museum

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